Michael Sterling

9 Must-Haves for the Public Accountant Job Search


Fun fact: it’s peak hiring season for public accounting. Whether you’re on the hunt or thinking of making a move in the future, every successful job quest requires planning. Planning requires research, which requires time. To make it easy, here’s a roundup of our essential resources for a public accountant job search.


9 Resources for the Public Accountant Job Search


Skill Gap Analysis. You know what you know. But, how do you know what you don’t know? Without the necessary skills for that next step on the career ladder, that next job is just a pipe dream. This four-step Career Gap Analysis for Accountants will identify the differences between the skills you have and the skills you need.



Killer Resume. Truth is – hiring partners don’t read resumes. They skim them. Your resume has one job – to make an impact! Do it right. Most importantly, make sure you use the ‘Three R’s’.



Resume Killers. There are killer resumes and then there are resume killers. Don’t make these 4 key errors.




Correct Communication. Should you email? Phone? Text? Using the wrong communication method could easily get you ousted from a job opportunity. What’s the right channel for each stage of a job search? Just follow these rules of communication.



The To-Don’t List. Think you only need a To-Do list? Wrong. There is a list of don’ts when it comes to landing a job. Some didn’t even exist five years ago.




Find Your Superpower. Not the strongest candidate for a position? It happens. Don’t rule yourself out. Instead, use these five strategies to convince the hiring partner you’re the right choice for the job!




Crush those Interview Questions. Great interviews don’t just happen. You need to be more than prepared – you need to master the four types of interview questions.




Co-Lead the Interview. It’s not all about you. The interview is a two-way street. Sure you want to sell yourself, but you also want to determine if the firm and the job are right for you. You need to ask 3 types of crucial questions.




Ins and Outs of Talking Money. There’s a right time and a right way to discuss salary. Intimidated by the conversation? Here’s what to do and what to say.




Finding a job which is truly a match for you – in challenge, culture and compensation can be overwhelming. Be diligent!


Need one-on-one assistance? As a career coach and recruiter exclusively for public accounting, I specialize in helping accounting professionals find a position which fits their criteria rather than simply filling job openings. Contact me at msterling@sterlingfreeman.com. And connect with me on LinkedIn.



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