Initiative Starts with ‘I’
As the saying goes, “There’s no ‘I’ in Team.” However, there is an ‘I’ in Initiative. If you’re wishing and waiting for professional success to be handed to you – remember Initiative starts with ‘I’.
As a career coach and recruiter, I speak with many job seekers who tell me “My boss hasn’t given me a promotion” or “No one has asked me to take on meatier assignments.” My response is always – “what have you done to show you are ready for an advanced role and/or greater responsibility?”
Each of us in charge of our own career – no one else. Thinking in the first person will change the trajectory of your career-path. Rather than wondering what task you’ll be given next, take an active approach – “I have a project idea that I’d like to present” or “I’d like to assist with that assignment.”
Employers are looking for individuals who show drive and interest rather than bystanders who are waiting to be spoon-fed success. You are not entitled to be hired, promoted or to success. Those are earned.
Invest time and effort in professional development. Take classes, attend webinars and find a professional mentor. Ask questions and hone your skills. Step forward rather than standing back. No one is coming to hand you something for nothing.
When you think in terms of I rather than you, the result is ownership of your career and your future. Initiative starts with ‘I’ and end with success.
Career Wellness
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