Office Outcast? 7 Reasons You’re Not Likable.
You may be the smartest person in the room, but your likeability has a huge impact on your value in the workplace. If you’re the office outcast, your chances for success are diminished. Career ladders are climbed by those who have experience and knowledge as well as a high likeability factor.
Many believe that being liked is linked to innate personality traits. However, it’s been found that likeability is not genetic. Natural charisma is not the key. Instead, likeability is related to a person’s credibility, empathy, and authenticity.
Being likable can be learned. Extensive psychology research has determined that humans can create their own ability to be well-liked. If you’re not viewed as likable, what are you doing wrong?
7 Reasons You’re Not Likable
It’s All About You. Your career and goals are important, but if you focus only on yourself you won’t get far. Individuals who are not able to see the big picture and value teamwork are rarely held in high regard.
You’re Not Trusted. There are a number of reasons which lead to lack of trust. If you’re work is inconsistent, incomplete, inaccurate or never on deadline it’s safe to say you won’t be the most popular member of the team. Equally unappealing is a person who lies and/or takes credit for a job or idea that wasn’t their own.
You Lack Empathy. Understanding and empathy are the foundations for caring and consideration. Successful professionals earn the confidence of others. Being cold and disconnected from colleagues will place you in the outer, rather than the inner, circle at the office.
You Name Drop. No one likes a name-dropper. Throwing noteworthy names into every conversation makes you look pretentious. Rely on what you know and not who you know.
You’re Needy. People are put off by individuals who are desperate for attention. Constantly asking questions, always wanting validation, or the desire to be in the spotlight is irritating.
You’re Overly Emotional. Emotional outbursts – screaming, crying, throwing things – will have co-workers walking on eggshells and making a point to avoid you.
You’re the Office Gossip. Putting your nose where it doesn’t belong by talking about others behind their backs is guaranteed to make you look petty and irresponsible.
Likability and Job Hunting
With scientific data connecting being well-liked with professional success, a person’s likeability factor is being weighed heavily in the job interview process. Firms are hiring not only for skills and ability, but increasingly for amiability. Individuals who rank high for EQ (Emotional Intelligence), including being likable, have a far greater chance of getting a job offer.
Career Wellness
Interested in more career nutrition? Check out the Career Wellness section of the SterlingFreeman website. And connect with me on LinkedIn. I welcome your comments.
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