One More Thing…. (Ways to Get Your Job Application Noticed)
I’ll just say it. I don’t wait well. Do you? I admit that I push the elevator button more than once. I watch the clock in the doctor’s waiting room. Even the Express Lane at the grocery store isn’t fast enough. I usually head for the self check-out (unless there’s a line!).
Waiting and wondering about a job application is another of life’s great frustrations. Hitting the send button on a job application can leave you feeling as if you’ve jettisoned all your hard work into outer space.
Following up on the status of your application can be tricky. You run the risk of annoying and alienating the very person you want to impress.
There are a few ways to follow up on your job application and get your name in front of the hiring manager in a positive manner.
“One More Thing…”
Send an email mentioning something of interest since submitting your application. It might be that you received a recommendation from a client or the fact that you ran into a former associate of the hiring partner at a networking event who asked that you share their regards.
Share a Link
Send a link to an interesting industry article, website or newsletter. Make sure the item is relevant and draw a correlation to the information and how it might be of benefit to the firm. This not only shows you stay informed, but it highlights that you have done your research and are knowledgeable about the firm.
Say Congratulations
Stay informed about the firm. If you learn the firm just added a new client, a team member received an award, or the firm sponsored a successful charity event – send a congratulatory email.
Announce a Recent Accomplishment
If you just completed a big project, received an award, were asked to speak at a relevant event or asked to write a blog for a professional website or newsletter – let the prospective employer know. You’ll add value to your already submitted resume.
Send a Snail Mail
Job applications today are electronic. A simple follow-up method is to send a hard-copy of your cover letter and resume by mail. This serves as a tangible reminder and an additional opportunity to get your name noticed.
Work with a Recruiter
One of the easiest ways to manage the job hunt process, is to work with a recruiter. A strong recruiter is an invaluable partner and guide throughout the hiring process and doesn’t cost you a dime. A good recruiter will have solid, established relationships with potential employers and will have an inside track to present you for positions which are match for your skills and goals.
Be Strategic
Whatever method you choose, don’t overdo. Follow-ups should be, at minimum, a week after you submit your application. The right method will underscore your interest in the position. More than two follow-ups will hurt not help you.
As a career coach and recruiter, exclusive to public accounting, I help professionals reach their full potential and attain success. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
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