Simple Gestures to Say Thanks to Your Colleagues
In honor of Thanksgiving and the holidays ahead, I want to say a heart-felt Thank You to all my professional colleagues and social media connections. It’s a pleasure to meet and work with so many accomplished individuals.
Like many offices throughout the U.S., we held a lunch to celebrate Thanksgiving as a team. Such gatherings are a reminder of the great team we have here at SterlingFreeman and how thankful we are to work together to achieve our goals.
However, showing thanks and appreciation are core components of teamwork year round. While a group lunch or dinner is a great way to collectively show appreciation, not all efforts need to be on a large scale.
5 Simple Gestures to Say Thank You
- Just say it! The frenetic pace of life often leaves us forgetting to say thank you. Those two words carry weight and are extremely meaningful. Whether you say thanks in person, by email or a phone call – take the time to express your gratitude.
- Add a touch of whimsy. Say thanks by sending an animated GIF, an electronic card or place a colorful sticky note with a handwritten thank you on a colleague’s monitor.
- Repay a favor. If a co-worker went above and beyond to help you in a moment of need, step forward and do the same for them during a difficult time.
- Shine a spotlight. Highlight the efforts of a colleague for other team members to see. Send a firm-wide email, let upper management know recognition is deserved or make an announcement in a weekly team meeting.
- Token of appreciation. Show your thanks with a little something special. Grab an extra coffee on the way to the office, pick up a pastry or a gift card.
Have something to add to this list? Leave a comment and let me know.
SterlingFreeman provides career coaching and recruiting exclusively for Public Accountants. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
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