The Unexpected Reason You Need a Vacation!
It’s summer. As a kid, it was the time of year I loved most. Summer meant days filled with fun rather than school work. Today summer still holds a special place, even if work now blends seamlessly with summer.
When I think back on counting the days to summer break, I realize what researchers have proved – the anticipation of a vacation makes us happy. The unexpected reason you need a vacation is the benefit of anticipation. The majority of people who are looking forward to a vacation are the happiest at work. Happy professionals are productive professionals.
Sure there are other reasons you need a vacation. In fact, a lot of reasons, but here are the Top 5.
Top 5 Reasons You Need a Vacation
- Reduce Burn-Out. Breaks lower our stress and rejuvenate.
- Change of View (Point). A change of scenery also provides a chance to see projects and work issues from a different perspective. A different view often leads to a different viewpoint.
- Health Benefits. Relaxation comes with proven health rewards. You reduce blood pressure, catch up on sleep, and most likely get some exercise – even it’s just from increased activity level. Sightseeing can really rack up those “steps” on your fitness tracker.
- Time with Family/Friends. One of the best, and most important, reason for a vacation is to disconnect with all of today’s technology and re-connect with family and friends.
- Create Life-Experiences. Go explore. See. Do. There are amazing places to visit. Pick one and make memories. Like the old adage says – no one ever looks back and says they wish they had spent more time in the office.
So, plan that great getaway. You’ll be more productive and happier as you savor the anticipation.
What are your summer vacation plans? As a travel enthusiast, I’d love to know!
As a career coach and professional recruiter, I work exclusively with Public Accounting professionals. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
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