Michael Sterling

Why I Object to Objectives


For the record, I object to objectives on resumes. When writing a resume – don’t include an objective statement – ever!


I realize there are different viewpoints on this issue. Based on years of experience as a career coach, I have many reasons to scrap an objective statement.


Top 5 Reasons I Object to Objectives


  1. It’s redundant. Your objective is obviously to get a job. That’s the purpose of submitting a resume. Stating your objective is seeking “a growth opportunity” or “a position that will allow you to return to your hometown” is superfluous.
  2. It’s self-serving. An objective is what you, the candidate, wants – not what the firm wants and needs. Sure, a resume is about you, but ideally you want to grab the attention of the reader and speak to how you will benefit the employer.
  3. It’s a waste of space. An objective statement takes up valuable real estate. Resumes need to be concise and easy-to-eyeball within a matter of seconds. Most resumes are only visually scanned by the reader. Your Resume Has One Job! Do it Right! outlines surprisingly simple steps to a killer Accountant resume.
  4. It’s outdated. Placing a career objective on your resume makes your resume feel stale and archaic. You want to present yourself as fresh, relevant and focused on the future.
  5. It’s boring. I’ve never read a career objective that had sizzle. There’s no hook – something that compels the reader to read on! If you don’t hook ‘em – another candidate will.


So, can the career objective. Use your resume to the utmost advantage. Tell the hiring manager exactly why YOU are the perfect candidate for the job.


As a career coach and recruiter, exclusive to public accounting, I help job candidates re-focus their resumes on a daily basis. Let me know if I can help you. Connect with me on LinkedIn.


Interested in more career nutrition? Check out the Career Wellness section of the SterlingFreeman website.  


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