Michael Sterling
Say What?! How to Answer Interview Questions

  As a young professional, on the job hunt, I remember being warned about interviewers asking odd, psychoanalytic questions like -“If you were a color, what color would you be?”   I spent a great deal of time practicing how to answer interview questions. However, I was so preoccupied by composing a rational answer to “What type […]

Michael Sterling
The Elephant in the Room – Talking Money in an Interview

  It’s big. It’s awkward. It’s intimidating. It’s the elephant in the room at most all job interviews. The salary question. There are a number of questions candidates’ dread, but few strike as much fear as talking money in an interview. Ask for too much and you may loose the job. Ask for too little […]

Michael Sterling
Kick Procrastination to the Curb in 5 Steps

  Benjamin Franklin said it best – “Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today.”   But, it’s not really that easy. Right? Procrastination is alive and well and living amongst us. In fact, procrastination is possibly the #1 career killer.   If you’re guilty of putting things off until you find yourself […]

Michael Sterling
The Walking Dead: How Changing Jobs Can Revive Your Career

  Beware: There are zombies in the workplace. Are you one of them?   If you’re a ‘Dead Head’, simply roaming through your daily work, you need to revitalize.  Often a job change is the best way to resurrect yourself and your career.   We all know changing jobs is stressful. As traumatic as leaving […]

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