Michael Sterling
A Real-Life Treasure Map – for the Pirate in Us All!

  A few days ago, it was International “Talk Like a Pirate Day.”  Ok, it’s a little silly, but every year the day gets media attention and hordes of people join in with a hearty “Aargh, Matey!” This year, it got me thinking that we’re all pirates in a sense. We’re each plotting a course […]

Michael Sterling
What One Word Defines Your 2018 Goals?

  Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of the KISS principle – ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’. The principle is based upon the idea that things work best when kept simple and uncomplicated. The ‘one word’ concept falls right in line with that. I want you to focus on a single word. What one word defines your 2018 goals?   […]

Michael Sterling
Mid-Year Checklist – Are Your Goals on Track?

  If you’re a fan of the TV show “Friends,” then you’ll understand when I say – “How you doin’?” It’s a question all professionals should ask themselves throughout the year. With just over half of 2017 gone – are your goals on track?   July is a great time to get a pulse-check on […]

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