Michael Sterling
Share What You Know with Who You Know (Here’s Why)

  Only you know what you know. That knowledge is a result of hard work, experience and even some hard life lessons. Knowledge is often held tightly – out of fear of giving someone else the upper hand. However, it’s important to share what you know with who you know.   Sharing your thoughts and […]

Michael Sterling
Chasing the Carrot is Killing Your Career

  Professional success is not a hop, skip and a jump. It’s a steady climb. If you’re hopping here and there – from one job to the next – you’re doing it wrong.  You may not realize it, but chasing the carrot is killing your career.   Job hopping is a trend, especially among younger […]

Michael Sterling
Top Podcast Picks

  I’m always interested in suggestions on professional and personal development videos to watch. If you’re on the hunt for something to tune into while chilling out, here are some top podcast picks from a few of us here at SterlingFreeman.   The Team’s Top ‘Tune Ins’   Why You Will Fail to Have a […]

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