Michael Sterling
Pssst… Here’s a Busy Season Secret That Can Change Your Career

  If you’re in public accounting, you’re bracing for busy season. Tax season is fraught with long hours, extreme workloads, exhaustion and fast-food-induced heartburn. No surprises there.   What is a surprise (and a well-kept secret) is that in the midst of the frenzy lies a prime time to land your ideal next job. That’s […]

Michael Sterling
Need to Reduce Stress? Try Kindness!

  I recently saw a non-profit organization asking for people to carry holiday kindness on throughout the year. It was a sad reminder how quickly the spirit of the holiday season turns into the stress of getting “back-to-business.” Truth is, if you need to reduce stress – try kindness!   To some, it may sound […]

Michael Sterling
11 Quotes to Get Your Rear in Gear

  Last week, I shared some of my team’s recommended TED Talks for professional growth.   Today, I want to share some inspiration. Some motivation.   It’s tax extension season. IRS deadlines are looming. Accountants are pedal to the metal to complete client extensions. If you are searching for a boost – something to give […]

Michael Sterling
7 Fast Tension Tamers for Busy Season

If you’re a public accountant, you’re face-down in tax season and the stress that goes hand-in-hand with the intense hours and strict deadlines. IRS to the rescue! No, not that IRS. Immediately Relieving Stress (I.R.S.) will save your sanity and improve productivity.  Try these 7 tension tamers for busy season – right at your desk. […]

Michael Sterling
7 Kick-Butt Ways to Attack Busy Season Chaos

  No two words strike dread into the heart of public accountants quite like – Busy Season.   The Urban Dictionary defines Busy Season as:   A period of the year in public accounting designated by mandatory 55+ hour work weeks, weight gain, decreased sexual activity, increased alcohol consumption, late nights, tickmarks, excel, ineptitude, and […]

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