Michael Sterling
Are You a Leader? Maybe Not – Here’s Why

Leadership Conversational Style What’s your leadership conversational style? I’m learning more about the fine art of leadership conversations in Judith E. Glaser’s book, Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust & Get Extraordinary Results.  I previously wrote about how being a strong conversationalist builds credibility in my article, “What’s Your Conversational IQ?” In that article, I […]

Michael Sterling
Think Small for Big Rewards in CPA Career

How to Find Greater Learning and Earning Power In Public Accounting   Sure, working for a Big 4 firm is sexy. There’s a status linked to the name recognition. For many new accounting graduates, it’s a terrific start into a CPA career.   The ‘Big’ in Big 4 tends to become the issue for many […]

Michael Sterling
Flashback: 10 Things Accountants Didn’t Have to Deal with 10 Years Ago

  Think about it. It wasn’t long ago that Slack, Facebook Live and Snapchat didn’t exist. Today, they’re go-to communication tools. The world is changing at a lightning pace.   I came across an article by Hitendra Patil of Pransform, Inc. which lists 10 things that Accountants must deal with today that weren’t a concern […]

Michael Sterling
Six Soft Skills Every Public Accountant Needs

  The Hard Facts about Soft Skills   In today’s workplace, your soft skills are as important, maybe more important, than your technical skills.   What are soft skills? They’re a cluster of personal qualities that make a person a good employee and co-worker. Solid soft skills are in demand.   Technical skills are often […]

Michael Sterling
Ready? Set? No! (A CPA M&A Plan)

  Are You Procrastinating Your Retirement?   You know who you are.  A partner or sole owner of a small or mid-sized accounting firm with a succession plan that’s somewhere between ‘Optimistic’ and ‘Nonexistent’.   You know the facts.  Much has been written about Public Accounting being in a state of transition. Two-thirds of partners […]

Michael Sterling
7 CPA Career Mistakes

  If you’ve been working hard for any length of time, chances are you’ve experienced at least one humiliating career failure. Career “hiccups” can kill your spirit and make it difficult to regain your motivation and drive.   Some of the “bad” things that happen to hardworking, well-meaning, capable people each day include:   Missing […]

Michael Sterling
Four Things Public Accountants Need to Change in 2016

  Welcome to 2016. Time for a reality check. Are you working like it’s 2016 or 2006?    If you haven’t completely dumped outdated ideas and processes, now’s the time for a change.  Let’s face it, public accounting is still clinging to some stale business beliefs.   CPAs need to regroup.  Maintaining solely compliance-focused, traditionalist […]

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