Michael Sterling
5 Ways to Get Your Job Offer Accepted

  The job market is tight – really tight! Job seekers are getting multiple offers and great candidates are being snapped up fast! How do you increase your chances in getting top talent on your team? Well, I recommend these 5 ways to get your job offer accepted.   Focus on the little details. Business today […]

Michael Sterling
6 Sure Fire Ways to Build Your Personal Brand

  In the past few weeks, I’ve been writing about the important of executive presence. Developing executive presence is a cornerstone in the effort to build your personal brand.   Author and management consultant, Karl Albrecht names Executive Presence as one of the five pillars of social intelligence:   Presence: Often referred to as “bearing,” […]

Scour Your Brain For An Inspiring Presentation

Presentation Secrets from TED Talks   If you’re a fan of TED.com, you probably remember the first time you viewed one of the company’s free 18-minute online presentations. TED Talks are truly inspiring. If you’re not yet familiar with them, you’ll find that their speakers provide jaw-dropping stories you’ll be talking about for weeks.   TED’s […]

Michael Sterling
When You Speak, Are You Being Heard?

  Our daily conversations have a remarkable impact on our careers. When you speak, are you being heard? Maybe not. I’m learning more about the fine art of leadership conversations in Judith E. Glaser’s book, Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust & Get Extraordinary Results.   As leaders, the more we become aware of […]

Why You Want to Achieve ‘Level 3 Conversations’

3 Levels of Conversations for Leaders   Leaders commonly rely on two types of conversations: telling and selling.   When telling, they try to clearly specify what employees need to do – Level 1 conversation. When selling, they try to persuade them with reasons for doing it – Level 2 conversation. Unfortunately, some leaders resort […]

Michael Sterling
Are You a Leader? Maybe Not – Here’s Why

Leadership Conversational Style What’s your leadership conversational style? I’m learning more about the fine art of leadership conversations in Judith E. Glaser’s book, Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust & Get Extraordinary Results.  I previously wrote about how being a strong conversationalist builds credibility in my article, “What’s Your Conversational IQ?” In that article, I […]

Michael Sterling
What’s Your Conversational IQ?

Is there such a thing as conversational intelligence? And how important is conversational IQ? It could be that some leaders are naturally more adept at the art of conversation. It’s certainly true that we all could improve our ability to engage and influence others through conversations.   “Human beings are the most highly social species […]

Michael Sterling
Have You Noticed? Your Leadership May Be Suffering.

  Noticing: An Elusive Leadership Skill. An Accountant’s Guide to Removing Blinders.    “Leaders often fail to notice when they are obsessed by other issues, when they are motivated to not notice, and when there are other people in their environment working hard to keep them from noticing.” ~ Harvard Business School Professor Max Bazerman, “The […]

Michael Sterling
7 CPA Career Mistakes

  If you’ve been working hard for any length of time, chances are you’ve experienced at least one humiliating career failure. Career “hiccups” can kill your spirit and make it difficult to regain your motivation and drive.   Some of the “bad” things that happen to hardworking, well-meaning, capable people each day include:   Missing […]

Michael Sterling
Leading from the Middle: How Leaders Emerge from the Middle

  Middle managers who succeed at leading upwards [Leading from the Middle, The Case for Middle Managers] are both skilled and artful in taking the reins to accomplish these tasks:   Establish goals Plan projects Organize people Execute projects on time and on budget   In order to lead from the middle of a firm, you must […]

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