Michael Sterling
One Surefire Sign of a High-Performer

  When you think about highly successful people, what comes to mind? Their intelligence, experience and leadership skills are likely on the list. There’s another surefire sign of a high-performer which research has shown is a key quality of achievers – the ability to control emotions.   Staying cool, calm and collected under intense pressure […]

Michael Sterling
The Real Reason You’re Not Getting the Job

  I don’t know how else to say it, but the real reason you’re not getting the job could be – you’re not likable. My intention is not to offend, but to educate.   I’m awe-stuck when a professional on a job hunt contacts me regarding a position and goes out of their way to […]

Michael Sterling
What’s Your Conversational IQ?

Is there such a thing as conversational intelligence? And how important is conversational IQ? It could be that some leaders are naturally more adept at the art of conversation. It’s certainly true that we all could improve our ability to engage and influence others through conversations.   “Human beings are the most highly social species […]

Michael Sterling
TMI Will Sink Your Job Search: 4 Key Resume Don’ts

  TMI: Too Much Information!  The curse of overkill.    Thanks to Facebook and other social media, sharing our lives is the norm. However, there’s sharing and then there’s over-sharing. Never over-share during a job search.   Don’t Get Voted Off the Island   First, let’s talk resumes. There’s a lot written about what to include […]

Michael Sterling
How to Batch Your Way to Better Organization

  Have you heard of Batching?  It rhythms with matching – and that’s basically the beauty of Batching!   I just recently embraced Batching on a daily basis.  Oh sure, in essence, I’ve been working to batch daily tasks for years.  Now, I do it deliberately.   Let me explain.  Batching is grouping like items […]

Michael Sterling
Six Soft Skills Every Public Accountant Needs

  The Hard Facts about Soft Skills   In today’s workplace, your soft skills are as important, maybe more important, than your technical skills.   What are soft skills? They’re a cluster of personal qualities that make a person a good employee and co-worker. Solid soft skills are in demand.   Technical skills are often […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Spreading A Virus At Work?

  No matter what business you’re in, working long hours creates a domino effect. I recently wrote about how over-working can harm you in “Are You Killing Yourself (And Your Productivity) With Long Hours.” However, work overload often also translates into rudeness. And, rudeness has its own impact on business.   For accountants, ‘busy season’ […]

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