Michael Sterling
Shedding Light on A Shocking Way to Attract and Keep Talent

  I read an interesting article which shared insight on the impact of daylight on the workplace and thought – bullseye! Natural light is so basic – so natural – that we often overlook it. Daylight is actually a shocking way to attract and keep talent.   If you’re thinking – wait, what? Let me explain. […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Lonely at Work? (And What That Means)

Are you surrounded by co-workers and yet somehow feel alone? Loneliness isn’t a condition of being alone – it’s a mental state. If you feel lonely at work it’s likely due to a disconnect in your workplace.   Many employers worry that employees who work remotely will feel isolated. The fact is, it’s just as […]

Michael Sterling
(Interior) Design Your Way to Success

  These days, everyone works on the fly. We wheel and deal on our laptops, phones and tablets in cars, trains, planes – even from home in bed. I found myself hunkered-down with my laptop, propped up by pillows the other evening with a sore neck and back. It was at that moment I realized […]

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