Michael Sterling
What One Word Defines Your 2018 Goals?

  Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of the KISS principle – ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’. The principle is based upon the idea that things work best when kept simple and uncomplicated. The ‘one word’ concept falls right in line with that. I want you to focus on a single word. What one word defines your 2018 goals?   […]

Michael Sterling
5 Life Hacks for Holiday Networking

    Looking for a new job over the holidays? It’s tough, right? With so many people out of the office, it can be difficult to move your job search forward. A simple solution is to actually use the holidays to your advantage.   Holiday gatherings at community organizations, associations and even at a colleague’s […]

Michael Sterling
Simple Steps to Making Career Strides in 2018

  The start of a new year always reminds me of the saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.” We all talk about a fresh start for the new year. In reality, we carry our baggage with us. What has really changed? Nothing, unless we choose to make changes.   If your goal is to […]

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