Michael Sterling
Ironclad Ways to Polish Your Professional Mojo

  Have you checked your mojo lately? Vocabulary.com defines Mojo as something that makes you popular, persuasive and successful. However, it’s not a permanent thing. Our mojo can go missing – or simply be a little tired or tarnished. So, it’s good to check it regularly and, if necessary, polish your professional mojo.   8 Ways […]

Michael Sterling
‘Drop the Mic’ Confidence – Winning at Work

  Have you noticed that confidence isn’t concrete? It’s fluid – it ebbs and flows. We all have our ups and downs. Some days you’ve got it, other days – not so much.   When it comes to our careers, we want to have more good than bad days. To do that, we need to […]

Michael Sterling
Our Team’s Top Tune-Ins: TED Talks and More

  Truth is: I’m a bit of an internet junkie. I enjoy relaxing at the end of the day by submerging myself into YouTube. I find lots of great material there from old Seinfeld favorites to silly memes and inspirational TEDTalks. Some of the videos I gravitate to most are personal and professional development topics. […]

Michael Sterling
Amazingly Simple Steps to Turn Happiness into Success

  Happiness and success are often viewed as the same thing. They’re not. One doesn’t equal the other. However, I believe that happiness leads to success. It’s the fuel our brains need to drive us towards our goals.   Funneling happiness into your career has been proven, by decades of research, to directly impact professional […]

Michael Sterling
Two Elusive Traits for Success

  What makes someone successful? In a sense, success is a puzzle we all must assemble. Piece-by-piece we put together the elements necessary for professional success.   If you’ve ever put together a puzzle, you know it’s essential to create the framework first. Once the framework, or foundation, is in place it’s easier to fill […]

Michael Sterling
Your Story is Key to Professional Success

Storytelling for Professional Success   Some professionals have a knack for telling stories that explain in vivid terms a concept. The ability to develop and articulate your story is key to professional success. If you don’t have that natural talent, you can learn to use stories in a way that’s effective. Here’s why it’s so […]

Michael Sterling
7 Free Websites to Boost Your Success

  If you’re waiting for success to find you – you’re doing it wrong.  Success doesn’t just happen. Continuous learning, growing and trial and error is what enables us to be more successful.   The good news is learning can be fun and FREE! I’ve found seven worthy websites where you can go to grow […]

Michael Sterling
Are You a Modern-Day Macbeth? 6 Questions to Assess Your Ambition

  Most of us read Macbeth in high school. Macbeth’s ambition and corruption of power led to his tragic end. Macbeth, while fictional, serves as a cautionary lesson in human nature. Yet, we find real-life Macbeths among us. Are you a modern-day Macbeth? You may want to assess your ambition level.   Healthy vs. Unhealthy […]

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