Michael Sterling
70 Verbs to Beef Up Your CV

  Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter V.  V as in: Verb and CV – curriculum vitae.   We all know a verb describes an action, state, or occurrence. CVs, or resumes, are chock-full of verbs. They’re used to draw attention to accomplishments. However, most resumes are also filled with the same, mundane […]

Michael Sterling
The 12 Rules for Resumes

  Resumes seem to fall into two categories: a rival to War & Peace or something which could be etched onto a thimble with little to any detail. The trick is to balance information and length. You want your resume to be easily scanned by the eye, as well as to sell your skills and […]

Michael Sterling
Resume Fraud – Are You Guilty?

  Have you ever left an employer off your resume? Or have you stretched the number of years or areas of responsibility at a past job? What might seem like a simple bending of the truth is actually fraud. Resume fraud is not only unethical – it’s often illegal and can be punishable by law.   […]

Michael Sterling
Why I Object to Objectives

  For the record, I object to objectives on resumes. When writing a resume – don’t include an objective statement – ever!   I realize there are different viewpoints on this issue. Based on years of experience as a career coach, I have many reasons to scrap an objective statement.   Top 5 Reasons I […]

Michael Sterling
How to Co-Lead an Interview: Three Types of Questions You Must Ask!

  Fun Fact: An interview is less about you and more about the questions you ask the interviewer!   WHAT???   Think about it. If your resume has done its job (see: “Your Resume Has ONE Job: Do it Right!“), the interviewer has an excellent snapshot of your experience. The interview is your opportunity to […]

Michael Sterling
Your Resume Has ONE Job! Do It Right.

  Surprisingly Simple Steps To A Killer Accountant Resume   Call it a resume.  Call it a CV.  It’s a sales tool.   It’s job: to help you get in front of the hiring partner. Period!   Make it clean and concise. A resume is an ad, not a user’s guide.   The hard truth […]

Michael Sterling
TMI Will Sink Your Job Search: 4 Key Resume Don’ts

  TMI: Too Much Information!  The curse of overkill.    Thanks to Facebook and other social media, sharing our lives is the norm. However, there’s sharing and then there’s over-sharing. Never over-share during a job search.   Don’t Get Voted Off the Island   First, let’s talk resumes. There’s a lot written about what to include […]

Michael Sterling
Can You Ride The Bull? Accountant Career Tips

  The 8-Second Challenge!   I better make this quick.  The human attention span is now just 8 seconds.  The same amount of time a bull rider must hang on to a bucking bull for a “qualified ride” during competition.   Grabbing someone’s attention these days is a lot like trying to cling to a kicking […]

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