Scour Your Brain For An Inspiring Presentation

Presentation Secrets from TED Talks   If you’re a fan of, you probably remember the first time you viewed one of the company’s free 18-minute online presentations. TED Talks are truly inspiring. If you’re not yet familiar with them, you’ll find that their speakers provide jaw-dropping stories you’ll be talking about for weeks.   TED’s […]

Michael Sterling
The Elephant in the Room – Talking Money in an Interview

  It’s big. It’s awkward. It’s intimidating. It’s the elephant in the room at most all job interviews. The salary question. There are a number of questions candidates’ dread, but few strike as much fear as talking money in an interview. Ask for too much and you may loose the job. Ask for too little […]

Michael Sterling
What’s Your Professional Pain Threshold?

  Whether you realize it or not you have one – a professional pain threshold. It’s the upper level of tolerance for your current job. Consider it the final straw–the one that breaks the proverbial camel’s back.   Everyone’s threshold is different. We rarely know what the last straw is until suddenly – there it […]

Michael Sterling
Do These 3 Things to Tame the Email Beast

  Ever open your email inbox and want to cry? Me too!   I’ve regained some sanity and taken control of my daily deluge of messages by doing these three things:   Hit Pause. This is awesome! Inbox Pause is a free Gmail extension. If you use Gmail, download it today. When you hit Pause, […]

Michael Sterling
5 Ways to Build a Bridge for Top Talent: A Guide for CPAs

  I see it all the time. A firm extends a job offer to a highly qualified candidate only to have the offer rejected. The partners are shocked. Moreover, they’re faced with the daunting task of continuing the search for another ideal candidate.   What happened? The Fear Factor. Moving up the career ladder often […]

Michael Sterling
Three APPsolutely Must-Have Apps

  Love a great app? I have three new favorites! I recommend you check these out.   Hemingway Editor   For anyone who wants an amazingly easy way to write more concise, clear and….wait for it…error-free, Hemingway will be your best buddy.  Just copy and paste what you’ve written into Hemingway and it will edit […]

Michael Sterling
TMI Will Sink Your Job Search: 4 Key Resume Don’ts

  TMI: Too Much Information!  The curse of overkill.    Thanks to Facebook and other social media, sharing our lives is the norm. However, there’s sharing and then there’s over-sharing. Never over-share during a job search.   Don’t Get Voted Off the Island   First, let’s talk resumes. There’s a lot written about what to include […]

Michael Sterling
How to Batch Your Way to Better Organization

  Have you heard of Batching?  It rhythms with matching – and that’s basically the beauty of Batching!   I just recently embraced Batching on a daily basis.  Oh sure, in essence, I’ve been working to batch daily tasks for years.  Now, I do it deliberately.   Let me explain.  Batching is grouping like items […]

Michael Sterling
Six Soft Skills Every Public Accountant Needs

  The Hard Facts about Soft Skills   In today’s workplace, your soft skills are as important, maybe more important, than your technical skills.   What are soft skills? They’re a cluster of personal qualities that make a person a good employee and co-worker. Solid soft skills are in demand.   Technical skills are often […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Bored? Two Reasons Why…

  Can’t Get Your Mojo in Motion   It’s no wonder so many people count themselves among the zombies (see my last article: “The Walking Dead: How Changing Jobs Can Revive Your Career.”) who show up for work each day. When two-thirds of people report feeling tired or bored at work, it’s time to ask […]

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