Michael Sterling
What Does A Job Really Pay? This Worksheet Uncovers the Truth

  Should you stay or should you go? Let’s face it, compensation is a key factor in weighing a job offer. But what does a job really pay?   When considering relocating for a new job, few people take the time to really understand their economic choices, mostly because there are so many hidden factors, such […]

Michael Sterling
The Real Reason You’re Not Getting the Job

  I don’t know how else to say it, but the real reason you’re not getting the job could be – you’re not likable. My intention is not to offend, but to educate.   I’m awe-stuck when a professional on a job hunt contacts me regarding a position and goes out of their way to […]

Michael Sterling
Move Your Career Forward in 2017: A Step-by-Step Guide

  The start of a new year always reminds me of the saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.” We all talk about a fresh start for the new year. In reality, we carry our baggage with us. What has really changed? Nothing, unless we choose to make changes.   As New Year Resolutions go, […]

Michael Sterling
One More Thing…. (Ways to Get Your Job Application Noticed)

  I’ll just say it. I don’t wait well. Do you? I admit that I push the elevator button more than once. I watch the clock in the doctor’s waiting room. Even the Express Lane at the grocery store isn’t fast enough. I usually head for the self check-out (unless there’s a line!).   Waiting […]

Michael Sterling
The Shocking Truth: Being Lazy Can Get You Hired!

  When I say “lazy”, I don’t mean a do-nothing. No firm wants dead-weight, a team member who sits around and accomplishes nothing.   I mean a lazy-learner. In this sense, lazy is actually a compliment. You see, lazy-learners look for the fastest, easiest way to do something.  They’re life-hackers. Lazy-learners simplify, stream-line and don’t […]

Michael Sterling
The Poisonous Personality Test: 5 Questions to Ask

  Whether you’re hiring or looking to be hired, knowing how to spot a poisonous personality can save you from a huge headache.   Poisonous personalities are toxic. Dealing with a toxic person at work makes life at the office miserable and un-productive. I detailed the disastrous effects of bad behavior in my blog “Warning: […]

Michael Sterling
Can You Ride The Bull? Accountant Career Tips

  The 8-Second Challenge!   I better make this quick.  The human attention span is now just 8 seconds.  The same amount of time a bull rider must hang on to a bucking bull for a “qualified ride” during competition.   Grabbing someone’s attention these days is a lot like trying to cling to a kicking […]

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