Michael Sterling
Motivation Thieves (and How to Protect Yourself)

  Are you regularly robbed of your motivation? The culprit may be any one of a number of issues that hold you up and steal away your motivated mindset. I call them ‘motivation thieves’.   So what are these incentive-crushers? Here’s a line-up of the five offenders that I consider the most common. Can you […]

Michael Sterling
Captain’s Log: Increase Productivity to Warp Speed

  Where does time go? One minute it’s 8am – next it’s 8pm. Poof! The day evaporated.   We’re all captains of our ship – navigating our way. We plot a course for our days, weeks and months. To make the most of our time, we must increase productivity to warp speed.   I’ve found […]

Michael Sterling
Self-Preservation 101: 9 Ways to Say “No!”

  You’re busy. You’re in demand. You’re stressed. Sound familiar? If you find you’re always stretched too thin, it’s time for a crash course in self-preservation.   Whether it’s the boss, a co-worker, spouse or community group – we deal with a variety of demands for our time. Regardless if you’re being asked to take […]

Michael Sterling
Push Past Procrastination

  We all face ‘those’ days. The days we drag our feet on projects and priorities. It’s called procrastinating and if you suffer from procrastination – you’re not alone.   Research shows that procrastination seriously affects 20% of the population and that 40% of people have had financial loss due to putting things off. Moreover, […]

Michael Sterling

  If you’ve ever seen the movie “Up” then you’re familiar with Dug the dog being distracted by a squirrel. There are lots of squirrels in life – especially at the office. In order to minimize those disruptions, I use a number of trusted methods to defeat distractions.   9 Hacks to Defeat Distractions   Alexa. […]

Michael Sterling
3 Time-Savers You Should Do More of Starting Today

  We’re a little more than a week into the new year. Last year flew by. This year will too. Short of making time stand still, I’m working to squeeze more time from each day, month and year. What about you? Are there 3 time-savers you should do more of starting today?   I’ve identified three […]

Michael Sterling
Do These 3 Things to Tame the Email Beast

  Ever open your email inbox and want to cry? Me too!   I’ve regained some sanity and taken control of my daily deluge of messages by doing these three things:   Hit Pause. This is awesome! Inbox Pause is a free Gmail extension. If you use Gmail, download it today. When you hit Pause, […]

Michael Sterling
Kick Procrastination to the Curb in 5 Steps

  Benjamin Franklin said it best – “Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today.”   But, it’s not really that easy. Right? Procrastination is alive and well and living amongst us. In fact, procrastination is possibly the #1 career killer.   If you’re guilty of putting things off until you find yourself […]

Michael Sterling
Three APPsolutely Must-Have Apps

  Love a great app? I have three new favorites! I recommend you check these out.   Hemingway Editor   For anyone who wants an amazingly easy way to write more concise, clear and….wait for it…error-free, Hemingway will be your best buddy.  Just copy and paste what you’ve written into Hemingway and it will edit […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Killing Yourself (And Your Productivity) With Long Hours?

  Busy season is, well, busy!  However, busy is not synonymous with productive. Too many people equate these two words. There’s a belief that working long hours is a badge of honor. Wrong.   Working long hours is actually counter-productive. It’s unhealthy and can be deadly.   As public accounting ramps up for busy season, […]

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