Michael Sterling
The Secret-Sauce of Successful Job Interviews

  Your killer resume just got you a job interview. Great! You prepare a professional outfit, thoroughly research the firm, craft powerful responses to every potential question and create a list of your own quality questions for the interviewer. What could go wrong? Well, if you’re lacking this single thing – skip the job interview, […]

Michael Sterling
How Long is Too Long to Respond to a Job Offer?

  When I am asked how long is too long to respond to a job offer, my answer is short – 72 hours.   Three days is a reasonable time to request from a potential employer to consider a job offer and respond with a decision. This time frame provides adequate opportunity to gather your […]

Michael Sterling
Describe Yourself (9 Great Answers for Accountants)

Describe yourself in a few words. Can you? Most likely, a number of adjectives come to mind. Perhaps you’re a dog-loving, travel enthusiast and die-hard Packers fan. Great! Nice description. Except if you’re in a job interview.   If you consider winning the blue ribbon in the city-wide chili cook-off each year an integral part […]

Michael Sterling
BOOM! Here’s How to Ace That Phone Interview

  Looking for a new job before the start of the New Year? Great! Chances are when you’re asked for an interview, it will be by phone. Initial phone screenings are becoming the norm for a first interview. They’re a time saver for both the employer and candidate. A chat by phone sounds simple, right? Not […]

Michael Sterling
13 Hidden Ways to Fail an Interview

  I think most job seekers know the basics in interview etiquette. Dress the part, do your research, prepare intelligent responses and ask quality questions. These are core elements of a successful interview.   Let’s say you nailed the basics – and still received the dreaded mail-bot auto message thanking you for your time, but […]

Michael Sterling
One More Thing…. (Ways to Get Your Job Application Noticed)

  I’ll just say it. I don’t wait well. Do you? I admit that I push the elevator button more than once. I watch the clock in the doctor’s waiting room. Even the Express Lane at the grocery store isn’t fast enough. I usually head for the self check-out (unless there’s a line!).   Waiting […]

Michael Sterling
9 Must-Haves for the Public Accountant Job Search

  Fun fact: it’s peak hiring season for public accounting. Whether you’re on the hunt or thinking of making a move in the future, every successful job quest requires planning. Planning requires research, which requires time. To make it easy, here’s a roundup of our essential resources for a public accountant job search.   9 […]

Michael Sterling
Culture Clash? Find a Better Match.

  How to Find an Accounting Firm with Values that Match Your Own!   Finding a firm that matches your core values means you must first take time for introspection. This requires that you are brutally honest with yourself. What’s important?  What’s not?   Only once you’ve clearly defined your core values, will you be successful […]

Michael Sterling
The Poisonous Personality Test: 5 Questions to Ask

  Whether you’re hiring or looking to be hired, knowing how to spot a poisonous personality can save you from a huge headache.   Poisonous personalities are toxic. Dealing with a toxic person at work makes life at the office miserable and un-productive. I detailed the disastrous effects of bad behavior in my blog “Warning: […]

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