Michael Sterling
Office Etiquette: Responding vs. Reacting

Life throws curve balls. What do you do? Respond or react? Responding vs. reacting can make or break a career.   On the surface responding and reacting may appear to be one and the same. They’re not.   Responding vs. Reacting   Reacting is: knee-jerk; without thought to the situation and is often aggressive. Responding […]

Michael Sterling
Shedding Light on A Shocking Way to Attract and Keep Talent

  I read an interesting article which shared insight on the impact of daylight on the workplace and thought – bullseye! Natural light is so basic – so natural – that we often overlook it. Daylight is actually a shocking way to attract and keep talent.   If you’re thinking – wait, what? Let me explain. […]

Michael Sterling
Initiative Starts with ‘I’

As the saying goes, “There’s no ‘I’ in Team.” However, there is an ‘I’ in Initiative. If you’re wishing and waiting for professional success to be handed to you – remember Initiative starts with ‘I’.   As a career coach and recruiter, I speak with many job seekers who tell me “My boss hasn’t given […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Lonely at Work? (And What That Means)

Are you surrounded by co-workers and yet somehow feel alone? Loneliness isn’t a condition of being alone – it’s a mental state. If you feel lonely at work it’s likely due to a disconnect in your workplace.   Many employers worry that employees who work remotely will feel isolated. The fact is, it’s just as […]

Michael Sterling
Office Outcast? 7 Reasons You’re Not Likable.

  You may be the smartest person in the room, but your likeability has a huge impact on your value in the workplace. If you’re the office outcast, your chances for success are diminished. Career ladders are climbed by those who have experience and knowledge as well as a high likeability factor.   Many believe […]

Michael Sterling
(Interior) Design Your Way to Success

  These days, everyone works on the fly. We wheel and deal on our laptops, phones and tablets in cars, trains, planes – even from home in bed. I found myself hunkered-down with my laptop, propped up by pillows the other evening with a sore neck and back. It was at that moment I realized […]

Michael Sterling
Life Hack: Use Your Body Clock for Peak Productivity

  Are you a morning person or a night owl? The “I Don’t Do Mornings” coffee mug may be fun, but actually knowing when you are at your best is key to success. In fact, scientists are learning more and more about how we each much use our body clock for peak productivity.   Last […]

Michael Sterling
First Day Fails – Don’t Do These

  I’ve heard some pretty amusing first day of work stories. But really, messing up on the first day of a new job is not a laughing matter. It might seem strange to think, after all the effort involved in successfully obtaining an offer of employment, that someone would make a first-day faux pas. However, […]

Michael Sterling
Simple Gestures to Say Thanks to Your Colleagues

  In honor of Thanksgiving and the holidays ahead, I want to say a heart-felt Thank You to all my professional colleagues and social media connections. It’s a pleasure to meet and work with so many accomplished individuals.   Like many offices throughout the U.S., we held a lunch to celebrate Thanksgiving as a team. […]

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