Michael Sterling
Are You Where You Want To Be In January?

  This question applies to every professional. However, I am specifically speaking to Public Accountants. It’s peak hiring season for CPA firms. Are you where you want to be in January?   Tax time is approaching and CPA firms are assessing their staffing needs. If you’re in public accounting, is where you are – where […]

Michael Sterling
Shedding Light on A Shocking Way to Attract and Keep Talent

  I read an interesting article which shared insight on the impact of daylight on the workplace and thought – bullseye! Natural light is so basic – so natural – that we often overlook it. Daylight is actually a shocking way to attract and keep talent.   If you’re thinking – wait, what? Let me explain. […]

Michael Sterling
How Does Your Benefits Package Stack Up?

  There are two things job seekers consistently ask about – salary and benefits. More than half of U.S. workers say benefits are a top consideration in accepting a job or staying at their current job. How does your benefits package stack up?   For many, benefits are of greater value than salary. In fact, […]

Michael Sterling
Job Seekers: What Will Your Background Check Reveal?

  If you’re in the market for a new job, especially one which handles money or sensitive information, you can expect a background check. What will your background check reveal?   Security threats are very real today and so is the liability for businesses. Whether you’re dealing with sensitive electronic data or not, there’s a […]

Michael Sterling
Resume Fraud – Are You Guilty?

  Have you ever left an employer off your resume? Or have you stretched the number of years or areas of responsibility at a past job? What might seem like a simple bending of the truth is actually fraud. Resume fraud is not only unethical – it’s often illegal and can be punishable by law.   […]

Michael Sterling
The Real Reason You’re Not Getting the Job

  I don’t know how else to say it, but the real reason you’re not getting the job could be – you’re not likable. My intention is not to offend, but to educate.   I’m awe-stuck when a professional on a job hunt contacts me regarding a position and goes out of their way to […]

Michael Sterling
Move Your Career Forward in 2017: A Step-by-Step Guide

  The start of a new year always reminds me of the saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.” We all talk about a fresh start for the new year. In reality, we carry our baggage with us. What has really changed? Nothing, unless we choose to make changes.   As New Year Resolutions go, […]

Michael Sterling
Say What?! How to Answer Interview Questions

  As a young professional, on the job hunt, I remember being warned about interviewers asking odd, psychoanalytic questions like -“If you were a color, what color would you be?”   I spent a great deal of time practicing how to answer interview questions. However, I was so preoccupied by composing a rational answer to “What type […]

Michael Sterling
One More Thing…. (Ways to Get Your Job Application Noticed)

  I’ll just say it. I don’t wait well. Do you? I admit that I push the elevator button more than once. I watch the clock in the doctor’s waiting room. Even the Express Lane at the grocery store isn’t fast enough. I usually head for the self check-out (unless there’s a line!).   Waiting […]

Michael Sterling
9 Must-Haves for the Public Accountant Job Search

  Fun fact: it’s peak hiring season for public accounting. Whether you’re on the hunt or thinking of making a move in the future, every successful job quest requires planning. Planning requires research, which requires time. To make it easy, here’s a roundup of our essential resources for a public accountant job search.   9 […]

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