Michael Sterling
A Real-Life Treasure Map – for the Pirate in Us All!

  A few days ago, it was International “Talk Like a Pirate Day.”  Ok, it’s a little silly, but every year the day gets media attention and hordes of people join in with a hearty “Aargh, Matey!” This year, it got me thinking that we’re all pirates in a sense. We’re each plotting a course […]

Michael Sterling
Calling All Public Accoutants: Rate Your City

  SmartAsset, the free web app which features financial and personal wealth information for everyday folks, just published a ranking of 10 Best Cities for Young Professionals for 2018. The list is diverse and may hold some surprises for those who might be looking for locations such as San Diego or Atlanta.   How did […]

Michael Sterling
Chasing the Carrot is Killing Your Career

  Professional success is not a hop, skip and a jump. It’s a steady climb. If you’re hopping here and there – from one job to the next – you’re doing it wrong.  You may not realize it, but chasing the carrot is killing your career.   Job hopping is a trend, especially among younger […]

Michael Sterling
The Big Mistake Keeping You from that Flex-Time Job

  Are you searching for a flex-time job? Great news – they do exist! Many employers are seeing the benefits of offering flex-time. Great talent is tough to find. When a strong applicant is identified, employers are increasingly more open to accommodating flex-time needs.   The reality is –  life is full of special circumstances. […]

Michael Sterling
How Does Your Benefits Package Stack Up?

  There are two things job seekers consistently ask about – salary and benefits. More than half of U.S. workers say benefits are a top consideration in accepting a job or staying at their current job. How does your benefits package stack up?   For many, benefits are of greater value than salary. In fact, […]

Michael Sterling
Your Playlist May Help You Get Hired – Or Not!

  What tunes are on your playlist? Jazz? Rock? Rap? The answer will likely reveal your personality. Knowing your musical preference is a great way for a potential employer to get a glimpse of who you are. Interesting, right? The fact is, your playlist may help get you hired – or not!   In an […]

Michael Sterling
70 Verbs to Beef Up Your CV

  Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter V.  V as in: Verb and CV – curriculum vitae.   We all know a verb describes an action, state, or occurrence. CVs, or resumes, are chock-full of verbs. They’re used to draw attention to accomplishments. However, most resumes are also filled with the same, mundane […]

Michael Sterling
5 Life Hacks for Holiday Networking

    Looking for a new job over the holidays? It’s tough, right? With so many people out of the office, it can be difficult to move your job search forward. A simple solution is to actually use the holidays to your advantage.   Holiday gatherings at community organizations, associations and even at a colleague’s […]

Michael Sterling
Resume Fraud – Are You Guilty?

  Have you ever left an employer off your resume? Or have you stretched the number of years or areas of responsibility at a past job? What might seem like a simple bending of the truth is actually fraud. Resume fraud is not only unethical – it’s often illegal and can be punishable by law.   […]

Michael Sterling
Are you a Click-Addict? Don’t Hit ‘Send’ Because You Can.

  On-line job applications are a blessing and a curse. Who doesn’t love the immediacy and ease of sending a resume with the click of a button?  However, use a strategic plan – and some common sense in your search. Don’t hit ‘send’ because you can. Think before you click.   I happened upon a […]

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